Nonlinear on-board rotordynamics - Pr Régis Dufour
INSA Lyon, LaMCoS, UMR CNRS 5259
Unperfect balancing, pedestal motion, rotor-stator interaction, multi-field physics coupling, are capable of triggering nonlinear phenomena that can threaten the integrity of rotating machines. It is therefore essential to predict their nonlinear dynamic behavior in order to be able to avoid the occurrence of such phenomena. The presentation focuses on theoretical and experimental investigations for establishing Finite Element models as reliable as possible. A particular attention is paid on a 6-DOF shaker, unique in the French university, which permits carrying out the tests. The illustrations address several industrial applications dealing mainly with on-board rotors subject to multi-excitations.

New technologies such as distributed electric propulsion and autonomy offer new opportunities for VTOL designs and operations. They are also new challenges for engineers, since noise may be a major barrier for a large deployment of such new vehicles. The presentation will focus on eVTOL noise and will include discussion on the noise sources, acceptance, and the potential solutions to reduce noise for communities and passengers. Dr. Julien Caillet is an acoustic expert at Airbus Helicopters, also in charge of noise certification activities. He had a PhD on helicopter interior noise diagnosis and modelling in 2006. He has over 20 years of acoustics engineering and project management experience with expertise in developing low noise technology for helicopters. He currently supports UAM acoustics activities within Airbus Group and coordinates research projects on Helicopter & eVTOL Low noise design and acceptance.